Unlawful decision of departing Minister Dhurata Hoxha risks the future of Kosovar youth

Unlawful decision of departing Minister Dhurata Hoxha risks the future of Kosovar youth

Unlawful decision of departing Minister Dhurata Hoxha risks the future of Kosovar youth

Pristina, 8 August 2019 – EU scholarships for studying at MASTERS level in European universities, or as it is known the Young Cell Scheme (YCS) is one of the most successful projects of the EU in Kosovo and Western Balkans.

Up until now, 364 youths have had the opportunity to study abroad and return to contribute in building a better Kosovo.  Today scholars of this scheme can be found among civil and diplomatic service, academy, civil society, businesses, media and political parties.  Each and every one of them offers important contribution in building the future of Kosovo.

While the EU covers all expenses of the scholarships, it is an obligation of Kosovo Institutions to provide for their employment in public administration.  In this form, scholarships contribute to building an independent administration with integrity and professionalism.

In this regard, we – civil society organisations – express our deep concern against the attempts of the departing Minister of European Integration, Mrs Dhurata Hoxha, to politicise the institution of the MEI by refusing the employment of scholars educated at prestigious European universities and in its place make public employment based on political party.

Actions taken by departing Minister Hoxha jeopardizes the annulment of scholarships foreseen for the coming years that will finance studies abroad for hundreds of young Kosovars.

Moreover, we condemn the taking of unlawful measures and threats to the civil service of the MEI.

In this regard, we – civil society organisations- fully support the request of the MEI civil service and request from departing Minister Mrs Dhurata Hoxha the immediate annulment of the public vacancy announcement for MEI, to employ the scholars from YCS and immediately annul any unlawful measures against MEI civil service.

By the lack of action from departing Minister Mrs Dhurata Hoxha, we invite the former Prime Minister, Mr Ramush Haradinaj to intervene in restoring legality within the Ministry of European Integration.

The reaction is supported by:

Democracy for Development – D4D

Group for Legal and Political Studies – GLPS

Initiative for Progress – INPO

Columbus Institute

Kosovo Law Institute – KLI

European Policy Institute of Kosovo – EPIK

Pristina Institute of Political Studies – PIPS

Institute for Development Policy – INDEP

GAP Institute– GAP

Organisation for Democracy, Anti-Corruption and Dignity – Çohu!