Pristina, January 16, 2025 – Kosovo Law Institute (KLI), with the support of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), through a press release, publishes the analytical report “The Saga of the Anti-Corruption Strategy,” in which the Draft Anti-Corruption Strategy published by the Prime Minister’s Office is analysed. Initially, KLI highlights that…
Pristina, 25 October 2024 – This week, students of the Legal Clinic engaged in an intensive, two-day data analysis training session. These workshops addressed the following topics, including the theory, nature, and scope of justice data, as well as various data types relevant to the field. This cohort marks the second consecutive group undertaking the…
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has planned the approval of 22 draft laws in the legislative agenda for the month of November 2022. Of the 22 draft laws planned in November, only two (2) draft laws were approved in accordance with the planned deadline. Three (3) draft laws planned for this month: two…
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in the legislative agenda for the month of July 2022, has foreseen the approval of four (4) draft laws. The Government has approved nine (9) draft laws. 7 draft laws approved outside the planning in the legislative program for the month of July 2022 and 2 outside the…
Government efficiency in the implementation of the legislative program for June 2022 The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has failed to approve 37 draft laws planned in the legislative program for the month of June 2022. The Government has managed to approve only two (2) draft laws. Whereas, one of the draft laws planned…
Më 14 qershor, Misioni i Bashkimit Evropian për Sundimin e Ligjit në Kosovë (EULEX) dhe partneri i tij, Instituti i Kosovës për Drejtësi (IKD), e prezantuan “Raportin e Dytë për Monitorimin e seancave gjyqësore nga qytetarët: Drejtësia në sytë e qytetarëve”. Ky raport është pjesë e projektit të EULEX-it “Ndërtimi i besimit në sistemin gjyqësor…
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo during the month of May 2022, has not managed to approve the five (5) draft laws foreseen according to the Legislative Program. The Government has approved only one draft law which was foreseen to be approved in March (Draft Law on Implementation of Targeted International Financial Sanctions), while…
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo during April 2022 has approved three draft laws which have been foreseen to be placed on the Government agenda in May and June 2022. The approved draft laws are: Draft Law no.08/L-142 on amending and supplementing the laws that determine the amount of the benefit in the amount…
Prishtina, 4 April – The Government of Kosovo during the month of March held three (3) meetings, issued 57 decisions, and reviewed and approved only six (6) of 19 draft laws planned in the legislative program of March 2022. Kosovo Law Institute (KLI) continuously monitors the work of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo….
Center for Free Legal Aid of the Kosovo Law Institute (CLA-KLI) during the months of February and March has held meetings with shelters for victims of violence in Kosovo as well as the Regional Directories of Kosovo Police (RDKP) pertaining the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid. This platform was launched on November 29th 2021…
Prishtina, 3 March 2022 – Kosovo Law Institute (KLI) continuously monitors the work of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. The data in this infographic cover the time period February 2022.
Pristina February 28th 2022 – On Monday, KLI and HANDIKOS- PRISHTINA delivered trainings at HANDIKOS headquarters, on the topic of domestic violence, the institutional treatment of domestic violence cases, legal framework and the provision of free legal aid. The training was delivered by Ms. Arrita Rezniqi, Program Manager at KLI. The participants had the opportunity…