The Online Platform for Free Legal Aid: KLI holds meetings with the Kosovo Police and the shelters for victims of violence  

The Online Platform for Free Legal Aid: KLI holds meetings with the Kosovo Police and the shelters for victims of violence  

The Online Platform for Free Legal Aid: KLI holds meetings with the Kosovo Police and the shelters for victims of violence  

Center for Free Legal Aid of the Kosovo Law Institute (CLA-KLI) during the months of February and March has held meetings with shelters for victims of violence in Kosovo as well as the Regional Directories of Kosovo Police (RDKP) pertaining the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid. 

This platform was launched on November 29th 2021 by KLI, with the support of UN Women Kosovo and the financing of the European Union.

Meetings were held in RDKPs with the directors and officials of these directorates, Bashkim Spahiu, Basri Shabani, Faton Alija, Lumni Graishta, Shaban Shala, Agron Rrukiqi, Aferdita Mikullovci and Besim Hoti in Pristina, Ferizaj, Prizren, Gjakova, Peja, Gjilan and North and South Mitrovica

Also, KLI held meetings with Zana Hamiti-Asllani from the “Center for the Protection of Women and Children,” Erblina Dinarama from “The Safe House” in Gjakova, Fidane Hyseni from “Center for the Protection and of Women and Children” in South Mitrovica, Nazife Jonuzi from “Center for Protection and Rehabilitation of Women and Children ‘Liria’” in Gjilan, Jubilea Kabashi of “Housing Center for Women and Children” in Prizren, Ardita Bala of “Center for the Wellbeing of Women” in Peja, Sevdije Bunjaku from “Center for protection of women and child ‘My Home’” in Ferizaj as well as Danijela Stanković from the “Center for the Inclusion of Women” in Novo Brdo.

The same have welcomed the launch of this platform, as much-needed resource for facilitating access to justice for victims of domestic violence and those of gender-based violence.

KLI, during these meetings, has distributed the brochures containing detailed information pertaining this platform.

More information regarding the launch of the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid ( )