Kosovo Law Institute (KLI), through the show “Betimi për Drejtësi”, produced in co-operation with Kosovo Public Radio and Television (RTK), on Monday, showed the exclusive documentary from the United States of America – “Corruption Whistle-blowers”.
It’s been a year now that Kosovo adopted the Law on the Protection of Whistle-blowers and the purpose of this documentary, supported by the US Embassy in Kosovo, is to raise awareness of good whistle-blowing practices and protection of whistle-blowers in the United States of America, to mobilize all institutional actors, public officials and private sector employees to combat abuse through whistle-blowing.
“Corruption Whistle-blowers” documentary film shows the best practices of whistle-blowing of violations and the protection of whistle-blowers, referring to cases investigated in several US states, such as Washington DC, New York, Chicago and Miami.
Protagonists as corruption whistle-blowers, other criminal activities and various violations, representatives of law enforcement institutions and agencies, representatives of non-governmental organizations and investigative journalists have been interviewed in there four US states.
“Corruption Whistle-blowers” documentary film was shown on “Betimi për Drejtësi” show, on the International Day Against Corruption, within the “Anti-Corruption Week 2019”, a traditional activity supported by the US Embassy in Kosovo.