American Embassy and INL gives donation 22 laptops for the KLI researchers

American Embassy and INL gives donation 22 laptops for the KLI researchers

American Embassy and INL gives donation 22 laptops for the KLI researchers

Pristina, 20 September 2018 – The American Embassy in Kosovo and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Issues (INL) has given a donation of 22 new laptops for the Kosovo Law Institute (KLI).

Through this donation, the American Embassy in Kosovo will influence on supporting of activities and research work in the field and analytical work in the field of rule of law and research journalism.

Donation is a major assistance for capacity building within KLI, enabling the development of activities of research work without obstacles. “KLI and and the “Oath for Justice” show, as always, thanks the unsparing support of the American Embassy and INL in increasing of capacities of young jurists and journalists, who deal with research and analysis in the field of rule of law. These devices will enable a more efficient and effective work of our monitors and researchers in the field, who will now have adequate equipment to carry out their work properly”, said Miftaraj, Executive Director of the KLI on the occasion of receiving this donation.

For now, KLI numbers 40 employees, most of whom are jurists and policy researchers in the field of rule of law, who systematically monitor all Basic Courts and their Branches throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. Within the year KLI systematically monitors at least 2.000 (two thousand) hearings only in corruption cases. KLI monitors all the natures of the cases in the Serious Crime Department with focus on corruption and organized crime cases, the General Department in the Penal Division and the Civil Division, the Administrative Department and the Economic Department. Monitors also systematically monitor at the Appeal Court in Pristina. For more about the KLI visit the following link ://