Pristina, 23 September 2019, Legal Expert Advisory Panel in the Republic of Kosovo (LEAP Kosovo), on Monday, held its first working group meeting.
In this meeting present were members, Mr. Ehat Miftaraj and Mr. Anton Ndrecaj from Civil Society, Ms. Luljeta Plakolli-Kasumi and Ms. Gjylbehare Murati from the academic field and Mr. Kushtrim Palushi from the Bar, whereas absent were Ms. Albulena Ukimeri from the academic field and Mr. Kujtim Kërveshi from the Bar. Present was also Ms. Venera Ramaj, representative from the Netherlands Embassy.
In the first working group meeting of the LEAP Kosovo members, LEAP Kosovo discussed about its next steps and activities. Among the first activities to be conducted within LEAP Kosovo is coordination will all institutional actors related to publication of the report on “Advancing Criminal Procedural Rights” and the drafting of strategic documents for the functioning and development of activities of LEAP Kosovo.
LEAP Kosovo will engage in research and promotion of practices in Kosovo that are intended to respect the rights of the defendants in criminal proceedings to a fair trial.
Kosovo Law Institute in cooperation with CLARD, Fair Trials Europe and Netherlands Helsinki Committee, are in the process of implementing the project on “Advancing Criminal Procedural Rights”, supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Pristina through the MATRA programme.
The purpose of this project is the promotion of the rights of defendants to fair judicial proceedings in Kosovo. KLI through the project in cooperation with CLARD, Fair Trials Europe and Netherlands Helsinki Committee established the Legal Expert Advisory Panel in the Republic of Kosovo (LEAP Kosovo), whom is in the process of its membership to the Fair Trials Europe Legal Expert Advisory Panel (LEAP).