KLI and HANDIKOS-PRISHTINA delivered trainings on treating cases of domestic violence in Kosovo and the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid

KLI and HANDIKOS-PRISHTINA delivered trainings on treating cases of domestic violence in Kosovo and the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid

KLI and HANDIKOS-PRISHTINA delivered trainings on treating cases of domestic violence in Kosovo and the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid

Pristina February 28th 2022 – On Monday, KLI and HANDIKOS- PRISHTINA delivered trainings at HANDIKOS headquarters, on the topic of domestic violence, the institutional treatment of domestic violence cases, legal framework and the provision of free legal aid. The training was delivered by Ms. Arrita Rezniqi, Program Manager at KLI.  

The participants had the opportunity to learn about the use of the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid and to understand in detail the way the domestic violence and gender-based violence cases are admitted and treated.

The same were instructed on the necessary steps to be taken if they witness such cases. The participants were encouraged to raise debates, on related topics, on the “Forum” section of the KLI-CLEs’ Online Platform.

The training was interactive and the participants raised numerous questions regarding gender based violence cases, domestic violence cases, and the provision of free legal aid.

KLI launched the Online Platform for Free Legal Aid on November of 2021, with the support of UN Women Kosovo and the financing of the European Union. Its purpose is to ease access to justice, especially for women who are victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence.